Sun Hao has taken another big step forward from breaking Dan and giving birth to a baby.

With a small fire, Sun Hao and a small fire are happy, and the small flame gradually completes the transformation of nine into virtual fire.
Sun Hao, depending on the heart, can already find a flame outline. Of course, Sun Hao, the owner of the small flame, can feel it and drive it.
At this time, the small flame seems to have lost its heat and returned to its original state, deeply converging with the physical appearance, and it will surely become a surprise killer of Sun Hao in the future.
Sun Hao, who completed the nine turns of true fire, couldn’t help but think of the past, when the highest plough was concise, Wan Ren Dian Xuanyuan had a bear bodhi old zu thatched cottage to get a bearing.
At that time, Sun Hao was just building a foundation.
He won the title of "Sanweiyuan Baby Fire" and was too high to practice at all.
Later, after Dan, I got some information from Cheng, but I still can’t practice occultism.
Sun Hao remembers very clearly that the most basic condition for the cultivation of Sanwei Yuanying Fire Mystery is that there are two one-yuan infants who can be cultivated after breaking the Dan and giving birth to a baby; You can only practice three flavors of true fire after nine turns of true fire.
Now that he has really turned nine turns, he has reached the basic condition one.
Once you have broken Dan and given birth to a baby, you can practice Sanwei Yuanying Fire Mystery.
I just don’t know what the hermetic effect will be like.
However, judging from the magic power of the Aoyu Divine Power, the effect of Sanwei Yuanying Fire Mystery is absolutely the same.
Xuanyuan has Xiong’s generation, and it should be effective to leave outstanding figures behind.
At this moment, Sun Hao would like to see the fire-based effect of Sanwei Yuanying and go to learn the fire-based cultivation method of Sanwei Yuanying.
Sun Hao himself will keep a low profile and make a fortune.
But the situation has changed.
About twenty days later, Sun Hao accepted two new members in distress situation.
The local dog is begging to join in with a dark blue kitten in his mouth.
Zhu Ling was injured, Vulcan recovered from the injury during the crossing, and the local dog was unwilling to be lonely and followed Gaia out to Taobao.
Who knows that Gaia changed back to the shape of a dark blue kitten halfway, and she was a little impatient with the high temperature and meowed.
After Tiger Gaia became dark blue, his strength was greatly reduced. Border herding was really afraid of his accident. Moreover, Border herding clearly remembered dark blue, but he mixed with Sun Hao, so he did not say that the local dog took Gaia, not the kitten, dark blue.
Tiger Gaia has turned back to dark blue form!
Sun Hao suddenly felt big.
But faintly Corleone is a little white.
Gaia should have some defects and can’t master his transformation ability well.
However, Sun Hao thinks that it is very likely that the environment will be stable and there are more treasures around, so Tiger Gaia will involuntarily return to the deep blue form.
However, to change back to Gaia requires great stimulation from environment or mentality.
It is absolutely dangerous to bury Gaia in the dark blue form of Tianxu, so it is necessary to make him change back at any time
With three little things in the magma, Sun Hao couldn’t help smiling when he saw the funny dog face.
It seems that it won’t be a problem for Gaia, a bitch with long legs, to transform.
Let him bite the deep blue at all times.
Gaia turned dark blue and forgot many things. She was very afraid of the local dog grazing.
Although the local dog border shepherd knew that Gaia’s form was terrible, he found that after the doormat was dark blue, the base dog bullied the dark blue music again.
Of course, there is no pan-Sun Hao guiding the result.
Sun Hao’ s words made the border grazing deep.
Sun Hao said, "If you don’t bully him now, don’t you want to bully you after he transforms?"
Bian Mu suddenly felt that Gaia’s attitude towards his horizontal nose and vertical eyes after transformation was really not so good. At this time, it was necessary to find the field again.
Sun Hao also said a word to let the border shepherd bully the deep blue thoroughly.
Sun Hao said, "Gaia needs to be able to transform at any time, and it’s up to you to make him transform at any time. You should always keep him afraid of you. Don’t worry, I won’t let Gaia do anything to you at the critical moment …"
Look at you! Look at how well Sun Hao speaks!
I became a hero of Gaia’s transformation, which is simply Gaia’s transformation into an angel.
Bullying Deep Blue is also a necessary mission.
Corleone’s words are still credible, bullying Deep Blue. It is estimated that Gaia is not good at hair … Border grazing suddenly feels energetic.
Squeeze all kinds of values of deep blue more and more vigorously
Not to mention, Sun Haoxin’s deep blue has been squeezed, and he can desperately exert his treasure-hunting characteristics to escape being bullied.
Boy, after deep blue was squeezed, Sun Hao found that marginal magma was simply a huge treasure.
Not only are there spiritual fire and earth attributes, spiritual objects, metallic refining materials, and spiritual grass attributes … Many cultivation resources will often pass by if they are not deep blue, a professional treasure.

For example, dzogchen, the Avenue of Samsara, represents that you can enter samsara, understand some principles of samsara and interfere with them, but this level can continue to rise, just as Sun Hao has different lengths when he can reverse it.

These are the avenues that have been enlightened, but with the continuous enhancement of practice, the effect can be put aside for the time being.
So now Sun Hao has reached the final stage of Mahayana practice.
That is to say, Sun Hao predicted that the last three avenues would be practiced, and Sun Hao had long expected it, and it should not be difficult for Sun Hao to practice with a strong foundation.
The last three paths of Sun Hao’s preparation for spiritual practice are the Causality Avenue, which will rank the top ten powerful avenues once completed.
Sun Hao’s choice of unipolar way is kendo.
Kendo is a very strange avenue, a weapon, and the power of the practice goal changes relatively. The power of the avenue depends on many factors. The strong kendo can directly rival the top ten avenues, while the weak kendo may be directly discharged into the middle of the 3,000 avenues.
Sun Hao’s choice of basic road is Wuxing Avenue.
Wuxing Avenue is also a very basic avenue that affects all aspects of monks and is a basic avenue for monks to understand the world and recognize the world.
And like Yin and Yang Avenue, Wuxing Avenue is also a special foundation avenue. Once the real Wuxing Avenue is cultivated to the state of dzogchen, it is also one of the top ten avenues.
Causality Avenue Wuxing Avenue and Kendo
This is Sun Hao’s choice of the last three avenues. Sun Hao’s plan is to build these three avenues into a nine-way integration to achieve Mahayana dzogchen and then pursue his ultimate goal on this basis.
Finally, Sun Hao is no stranger to practicing these three avenues. In fact, Sun Hao has dabbled in all three avenues along the way and has a good cultivation foundation.
Chapter DiErYiEr Nine potential legal
The practice of Causality Avenue, the ultimate avenue in the Three Roads, is mainly based on the experience of Daotianji. In those years, Daotianji Causality Avenue was almost completed to Dacheng.
Thinking about the secret is not just yelling. When he fought on Causality Avenue, people often had unexpected methods and results.
Sun Hao should be able to enter the Tao smoothly and make a lot of progress when he needs a little digestion.
Actually, Sun Hao’s enlightenment was taught by Tao. In these years of practice, causal understanding and practice have also penetrated into many of his own practices, but these years have not been summarized.
I believe that it will be faster to practice less in the early stage.
Compared with the illusory causal avenue, Sun Hao Five Elements Avenue and Kendo Foundation are much more solid.
It can be said that these two avenues have always been accompanied by Sun Hao’s progress, and it is not a problem for Sun Hao to understand these two avenues in practice.
For example, Sun Hao’s most primitive, rooted and first practice of going against the sky is the five-element spiritual formula. He began to understand the attributes of the five elements from the very beginning when he practiced annual rings. Over the years, Sun Hao’s five-element spiritual objects have always been an important part of Sun Hao’s practice. Sun Hao’s understanding of the attributes of the five elements can be said to have lasted for tens of thousands of years.
It should be a matter of time before Sun Hao believes in his understanding and understanding of the attributes of the five elements, not to mention the five elements avenue and dzogchen’s five elements achievement.
Finally, it is the practice of unipolar kendo.
Sun Hao began to practice kendo from the gas refining period, and it was not long before he got the Jade Kunlong Sword Book and learned powerful swordsmanship.
Sun Hao’s agarwood sword in kendo is one of Sun Hao’s most important and standing means of fighting at every stage of his practice for so many years.
In particular, after Sun Haofei rose to the virtual world, the first place to settle down was that Sun Haofei, the sword school of Lingtian Sword School, systematically learned the sword strokes, refined them into four swords, and condensed them into four swords.
In order to consolidate his eternal foundation, Xu Sun Hao forced to practice the double sword bones regardless of the cause and effect of heaven. As a result, he added himself to the Zijin Thunder Ring. Sun Hao ushered in the biggest disaster of his life and eventually lost his head and fled for thousands of years before he reappeared.
It can be said that Sun Hao’s practice of kendo has gone deep into the bone marrow and has become an important standing means of his own practice.
Moreover, the magic sword book, even now Sun Hao, has one last trick, the sword feather, and the ultimate sword trick, Xinghai, the sword town, has never been perfectly displayed.
And Sun Hao’s name is also famous for his own agarwood sword.
It can be said that Sun Hao’s sword practice foundation is solid to the extreme, and Sun Hao has an unparalleled foundation in kendo practice.
Actually, one of the most important reasons why Sun Hao put causal avenue, Wuxing Avenue and Kendo Road in the final practice is that Sun Hao has a deep foundation, and it is not difficult to make small achievements. Sun Hao is most sure to build three avenues.
The reason why Sun Hao put their practice in the end is that it is getting more and more difficult to practice on the avenue. Sun Hao will fix the difficulty first and he will be able to fix himself in the end. This is bitter first, then sweet.
Now it is to test whether this kind of practice can be achieved. The foundation is not weak, but it is not easy to truly achieve great success even in dzogchen.
In particular, what is the theory of causal avenue? The ranking of causal avenue in ancient books is the top three.
If you want to make this avenue easy to talk about? You can imagine the difficulty of not being able to achieve cause and effect in those days.
Seriously sort out the context of one’s own practice and clarify the direction of one’s own practice. Sun Hao firmly practices one’s own practice and starts to practice three avenues at the same time.
How to practice three kinds of avenues? For a long time, Sun Hao has actually thought about it and found many directions of practice.
The most mature is kendo practice 3.
Relatively speaking, kendo is a unipolar road, which is much simpler than Wuxing Avenue and Causality Avenue.
The practice method is easier to sort out.
Accurately speaking, Sun Hao’s practice of kendo has already started from emptiness, and now it is necessary to really condense it into kendo.
Terran monks’ books and records of different dynasties and Sun Hao’s cultivation experience have formed a set of effective methods for their own kendo practice after Sun Hao’s combing.
Sun Hao formed five stages of kendo practice from low to high through analysis and summary, namely, "sword strokes, sword intentions, sword tactics and kendo"
Among the five stages, sword intention and sword potential are unique, and sword intention and sword potential complement each other and penetrate each other.
During Sun Hao’s practice, there are four kinds of sword meaning and sword potential, namely "sea sword meaning" corresponding to "sea potential"; "Wind sword meaning" corresponds to "wind general trend"; "Killing sword meaning" corresponds to "killing general trend"; "The sword of the fighter" corresponds to "the general trend of fighting the sky"
These swords have unparalleled fighting effects in actual combat, and the wind is elegant and the sea is magnificent, killing rampage and fighting fear has created Sun Hao’s changeable fighting style.
At present, Sun Hao’s practice of kendo is in the stage of sword intention and sword potential, but there is a saying in Terran classics that "the intention is to enter the dharma potential, the sword is born, and the sword is made into the Tao with the sword method".
The theoretical monk had already gone to the door of kendo after he realized the meaning of sword.
Understand the meaning of the sword. After dzogchen realized the sword potential, dzogchen came out with his own sword. With the sword potential, the sword came out naturally.
The so-called sword-out method is that a sword-out can naturally produce the corresponding sword-meaning rule attack effect
For example, Sun Haohai’s sword will be blue and blue, and the wind will surge. This is the sword-making method. With this kind of swordsmanship, it will naturally become kendo when it reaches a certain height.
Kendo in unipolar way is a special power, and its power depends on the strength of the monk’s understanding of the sword.
For example, a monk who has become a gentle breeze sword or a strong wind sword can’t compare with Sun Hao’s opponent who has become a wind-localized sword.
There is also the theory that kendo needs a method of sword emergence, even if it is completed.
But at the same time, two swordsmanship monks are usually better than one swordsmanship monk unless both swordsmanship are parallel imports.
Sun Hao chose Abel Warstar, a terran secret place, to practice his own kendo, while Sun Hao’s practice direction was quite malicious.
Other monks are quite capable of three-way penetration, and they can make their own kendo into a powerful fighting force by being able to cultivate three major swordsmanship.
When Sun Hao came here, his choice became "Nine Potentials Legally and Nine Ways to Enter the Tao", which is also why Sun Hao decided to practice Tao after thinking for a long time, which means that Sun Hao is going to cultivate nine powerful swords and powerful swords, and then nine potentials will be cultivated into swordsmanship to generate his own kendo together.
Sun Hao’s practice idea once again made Tao cat and Luo Pengfei sigh with emotion.
The nine-potential law and nine-method entry into the Tao can even be squeezed into the top ten avenues in the ranking.
Once this kendo is built into combat effectiveness, it will be far beyond superman’s imagination.
So, can Sun Hao’s legitimate vision of becoming a nine-potential become a reality? Sun Hao’s idea that when he came out, the cat came out and Luo Pengfei couldn’t help but applaud again and again, not to mention the legal difficulty of Sun Hao’s practice of nine potentials, which had a good foundation.
Sun Hao has mastered the meaning of sword, including "wind sword, sea sword, sword killing and sword fighting"
This has been completed, and Sun Hao is ready to quickly understand the other two swords. It is not difficult to practice "Wang Jian"
Daojian, the king of overbearing swords

Wang Li wondered, "No, the distance between the enemy and me is not too far. Why has the power of the enemy ship dropped so much?"

Gao Kai said, "We let out all the smoke screens that can be put out. It is likely that the smoke screens weakened the power … What happened to his ship?"
"The destroyer is in a serious situation. One third of the disappearing layer of the bow is almost exposed, but the back is not affected."
Gao Kai calculated that "all the hit warships put out their engines, camouflage is out of control, and other ships continue to fight … not too fast and not too far away from Ganymede!"
After receiving the order, the missiles of all ships fired layers of smoke, wrapped in missiles and headed for the enemy ships.
At this time, the communication staff suddenly shouted out of control, "Report that Ganymede has discovered an alien port!"
Gao Kai’s brain hummed. "Didn’t you just knock one out?"
"This is another one!"
"What position?"
"Frontal crater No.47 … enemy ships are rising!"
Gao Kai can no longer take care of the enemy in front. "Fire missiles and shoot all missiles for me!"
The flagship Luozhou exposed rows of neat missiles on both sides at the same time, and then both sides fired missiles at the same time. One by one, they flew out of the bomb nest and headed for crater 47.
The missile group will have to fly around Ganymede for at least a quarter of a circle before it can fall into crater 47. However, the missile can just see the target crater, and a large number of giant worms are pouring out like spring water. They quickly line up on the ground and pout their butts at the middle missile.
In an instant, countless beams of light flew to Hong Kong like a big net, while missiles were caught in this big net like struggling fish.
Worm array covers a super worm gun, followed by the second and third ships …
Gao Kai’s eyes are splitting. "Turn back, horse, turn back-"
His warships have all met the enemy in the front, and there are seven damaged warships behind them. If they can’t destroy the enemy port, the consequences will be unimaginable!
At the key moment, Gao Kai had an idea in his mind, that is, he rushed to stop it at once!
It is no longer possible to damage the magnetic gun at the bow of the ship, but the ship, the turret, the missile and the near-anti-gun can’t let the aliens succeed!
Seven wounded warships set out from seven directions at the same time and quickly rushed out of the smoke.
The only super bug gun that rose to the middle immediately turned to fire. The heavy beam instantly hit a destroyer, and more than half of the hull beam disappeared, leaving a section of the stern less than one-fifth of the total length of the warship.
The friendly ship sank with one shot, but the other ship didn’t care so much. All the naval guns fired at the port together
The naval gun with the fastest firing speed can shoot 47 rounds per minute, and the slowest can shoot 35 rounds. Moreover, each warship has more than one turret. Together, all naval gun departments project an average of more than 1,100 rounds per minute, which is 20 rounds per second!
It took just over ten seconds from Gao Kailing’s shooting to the sinking of the first destroyer, but seven warships have fired more than 200 nuclear shells at crater 47.
The second super bug gun is about to reach the shooting height, but six human warships simply don’t care about it. Two warships fired a round of missiles at this enemy ship.
At this time, the ground worm array also fired at the Chinese warships, and two destroyers were shot and completely lost their combat capability.
However, in such a short period of time, human warships have projected more than 300 nuclear shells on crater 47!
The second super worm ship rose smoothly, and the third super worm ship showed its head. The first round of shells fell from the sky and hit the crater. A light ball suddenly rose … It was like setting off firecrackers in the New Year. A series of nuclear shells hit the crater in a very short time, and the light balls scrambled to cover each other like a storm.
The nuclear bomb has been the ultimate weapon of mankind since the day it was born. Even though the war between human beings and aliens lasted for more than ten years, there has never been such a dense nuclear bomb bombing the same position.
Hundreds of nuclear shells flattened crater 47 in a flash, and then they continued to explode into the light cluster. The speed was sinking with the naked eye. I didn’t know that the shells penetrated into the alien port and both the port and the enemy ships exploded and became history.
Just as Jupiter’s fleet successfully destroyed the alien port, the second super gunboat aimed at the brazen fire beam that instantly enveloped the Luozhou.
Chapter 1913 Fight to the death
Lone Wolf Bridge
The war ahead affects everyone’s heart, and everyone keeps their posts with silence and anxiety, with different feelings, thoughts and worries.
Han Libo suddenly turned pale when he received the new communication point. "It was reported that Luozhou sank Huanjiang, Yingjiang and Danjiang sank Guijiang, Fengjiang and Lijiang, which hit the Jupiter Fleet Command and lost contact!"
"What did you say!" Yip hon’s face changed, and others were stunned by the news. Everyone’s eyes fell uniformly on the cold face.
Han Libo crustily skin of head and repeated, "Jupiter’s fleet lost seven capital ships, including the Luozhou!"
"How?" Yip hon look forward to the battlefield.
He knew that there were seven warships in Jupiter’s fleet that didn’t show up, and that a dense nuclear explosion suddenly appeared on the other side of Ganymede, but how did the Luozhou sink?
Yip hon heart is a mess but how all can’t sort out a clue.
Cold Libo quickly flipped the news from Jupiter’s fleet and quickly read it. "The fleet is inside Ganymede, and the aliens came out of seven warships, including Luozhou, and the sealed port was hit by a super gunboat …"
Yip hon’s hands suddenly became fists, and the murderous look in his eyes rose. "No news from the headquarters?"
Cold standing wave shook his head.
Yip hon squeezed out a few words from his teeth, "How long?"
Lu quickly replied, "Seventeen minutes!"
"Who is commanding the Jupiter fleet now?"
"The Duojiang takes over the command"
"Inform the Tudor River that I will now take over the command of Jupiter’s fleet and order all warships to retreat and not confront the enemy head-on …"
"Captain!" Road quickly stop "we take over the Jupiter fleet …"
"Then watch them fight hard with the enemy?" Ye hanli questioned
Lu died speechless.
The two sides belong to different principles. The lone wolf took over Jupiter’s fleet, but is it necessary to talk about any principles at this time?
Yip hon looked at Han Libo. "I’ll bear the consequences if I send it as I want!"
"Yes!" Cold Libo immediately sent Yip Han’s meaning to Jupiter’s fleet, but after he received the reply, his face changed again. "Captain Duo Jiang refused to hand over the command and they said …"
Yip hon face a cold "what did they say?"
Cold stand Boeing suddenly put down a lot of "said Jupiter fleet no wimp …"
Yip hon’s cheeks twitched unnaturally and his mouth opened and opened again, but in the end he didn’t say anything and didn’t take over again.

"Three generations of old men have a good meal. When I get paid, I’ll treat you to a full meal." Wu Tianhe and Sarutobi Hiruzen said leisurely with their hands holding the back of their heads after a happy Lamian Noodles.

Sarutobi Hiruzen corners of the mouth twitched constantly. After Wu Tianxian was arranged to finish ninja school, it was hence Wu Tianyuan’s wish to stabilize Wu Tian. There is no salary for a sinecure. What Wu Tian said is that you have to sign an order to pay Wu Tianfa when you go back! Forget it, pay for it yourself! After several thoughts, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided on the salary.
After a while, the two talents slowly arrived at the destination of a very large training ground.
"Let’s go!" Wu day training ground to Sarutobi Hiruzen said.
Happy new year to you all!
Happy new year to you all!
Happy new year to you all!
You know the important things!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Mouth evasion
Soon one afternoon passed, and Sarutobi Hiruzen sweated profusely to perform this technique. At one noon, Sarutobi Hiruzen made more than one thousand techniques, and there was no repetition.
However, the power of Sarutobi Hiruzen’s Ninjutsu Wu Day is somewhat flattering. A-level Ninjutsu can have the power of B-level Ninjutsu, which is not bad, not to mention D-level Ninjutsu. Just look at the sample, E-level and three castrations.
Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has been working hard, Wu Tian has achieved his goal. He understands the principle of Ninjutsu, and he can also transform it according to the principle
The principle of Ninjutsu is the same in the eyes of people in the hokage world, but it is the same in the eyes of Wu Tian.
It is a long-standing consensus in the forbearance world that the speed of printing is very important when Ninjutsu is cast in addition to body surgery.
Chakra is a man refining his spiritual and physical strength, but what Wu Tian discovered is different from this. He feels that human cultivation of chakra is just equivalent to a purifier.
There are two kinds of energy in this world, two kinds of known energy and natural energy, chakra.
According to the natural energy, chakra’s magic is more advanced than chakra’s ninja.
And Wu Tian found that the problem is that the owner of natural energy and chakra in the air, but he must use his own chakra to cast Ninjutsu. Then the question comes, what is chakra in the air?
According to Wu Tian’s observation, chakra in the air is not static. Every time Sarutobi Hiruzen casts Ninjutsu, the content of chakra in the air of Wu Tian and Sarutobi Hiruzen’s training ground will rise.
While Sarutobi Hiruzen was tired and panting, and chakra was formed by spiritual refinement and physical strength mixing with each other, which was directly denied by Wu Tian.
According to his own observation, Wu Tian added fire shadow to the world, and everything was finally determined to change the world.
Natural energy is a kind of dangerous energy, and a little carelessness may turn the emissary into stone, but chakra does not. chakra can be combined with people to endure the real ancestor of the world, namely Ootutuki Hagoromo’s fucking situation.
At the beginning of the big barrel Muhui Night, the world planted a sacred tree, and the sacred tree extracted the world power to breed the fruit of chakra. The world chakra all came from the fruit of the sacred tree chakra, but as time went by, what chakra became more and the sacred tree was destroyed.
The method of making a sacred tree extracts the world power to transform chakra, but chakra has increased. The final answer is that the natural energy of the earth permeates plants and animals, and people also have natural energy after eating plants and animals.
However, this natural energy has changed due to several transformations. People with good spirit can refine these natural energy and get chakra, so that the chakra process is to expel chakra from the body, and this process produces a vision.
And the ninja must be printed in the way of expelling chakra, which determines the vision and the nature of the ninja.
Wu Tianke is sure that when there are more and more chakra in the air until it is endless, the natural energy will disappear, that is, when the world is degraded, it will be degraded.
The natural energy level is too high, and the law should wait for all natural energy to be reduced to such a level that the world will definitely be degraded after chakra. The purpose is very simple, and the purpose is definitely to prepare for the annexation of the world. However, after the world level is too high or the world body is degraded by different methods, the mobile phone is like a divided cake.
Who is behind the scenes is still unknown, but one thing is certain: the short-term world will not be degraded or ushered in.
Let’s not talk about the possibility that it may appear or never appear. Wu Tian, the main messenger behind the scenes, has determined these problems and added Sarutobi Hiruzen’s principle of temporary endurance operation. Wu Tian has already made a draft plan.
Then it is time to implement it.
The next day, Wu arrived in ninja school early in the morning, and Sarutobi Hiruzen instructed the scroll to take over the post of Dean ninja school. He will carry out a huge reform on the whole ninja body.
And the ultimate goal is to finish it in the early days. If it is definitely completed as planned, there will be a lot of rewards as soon as possible.
"Call all the students to the training place. I have something to announce," said Wu Tian, sitting in the newly added chair of the principal’s office and facing Fang Jiaozhu.
Both the principal and the instructor set up new positions at Wu Tian’s request. There is no principal in this former ninja school, or Huo Ying is the principal.
And the teacher is Umino Iruka, the teacher of Naruto’s class.
Umino Iruka’s first reaction after hearing this was not to call the students, but to discuss the same thing, saying, "Principal, all the students are studying. If it’s nothing important, please let them study hard!"
"Go to all the students now. I must do it now or not. I can also find three generations of old men." Wu Tian pretended to be angry and said that Iruka was a good teacher. Wu Tian was angry with him.
Iruka heard that some Nai had gone to invite students.
Wu day then went to the training ground.
Soon, the training ground was full of students, and everyone was doing their own thing except Chutian, who was still watching Wu Tianwai.
Wu day training ground looked at the noisy students shouting "mouth dun, concreting"
The dominant force moves a soil platform on the earth, and Wu Tianju is finally formed to about three meters high. Because the number of dominant forces is too small, there is some force to lift the platform.
However, this has achieved the goal. The students are all quiet, even if there are a few sounds, they are discussing Wu Tian Ninjutsu.
"He doesn’t seem to have finished printing!"
"I didn’t see it. I don’t know if he finished printing, but if he didn’t, he should be able to endure it!"
"Yes! Yeah! That’s true, but I just saw clearly that he really didn’t print when he cast Ninjutsu just now. "
"That’s amazing. Who knows who he is!"
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four Continue to bullshit
"Listen to a friend of mine who says he seems to be the new teacher! In the name didn’t give me said "
"How is it possible to be such a small teacher and Qian Gen has never heard of it?"
Iruka Taiwan is worried about watching the students just suddenly make Ninjutsu Iruka have no reaction on Wu Day. Iruka seems that Wu Day is a place of origin, and even if Wu Day has three generations of lives, Iruka is prepared for Wu Tianduo.
As the students began to talk about it, the training ground began to become noisy again.
The students of "Mouth Dun Ming Feng" were surprised. At the same time, Wu Tian’s students just had the dominant power to cast this ninja.
Some students have a dominant role. These students are the main players in this world. Every day, among Hyūga Neji, Xiao Li, Chutian and so on, Chutian contributes the most. Several others add up to one unit, and Chutian alone has several units.
It’s called Ninjutsu, but it doesn’t hurt at all. This Ninjutsu is to create a strong wind and the wind whistling loudly enough to interrupt all the students’ voices.
"I am the principal of this school from today, and from now on, you don’t need to learn Ninjutsu any more." Wu Tian said to Fang Jing’s students.
Looking at the students one by one don’t believe the sample Wu Tianyi mouth "mouth dun sound loud" say that finish a sentence after wu day with amplified voice once again said to "mouth dun limited fireworks".
As Wu day that resounded through the training ground, fireballs appeared in front of Wu day, dragging their long tails and flying every day, bursting with enchanting light.
After watching Fang students’ fireballs no longer appear, there was some commotion. Wu Tian said, "What I’m doing is a new ninja. I don’t need to print it. It takes chakra enough to shout out ninja. Does your sister want to learn it?"
With the help of the loud voice technique adapted from Harry Potter’s world, Wu Tianyin can be heard clearly by all the students except, of course, Naruto Uzumaki Naruto Uzumaki is skipping classes.
After a while, when the students and teachers were shocked, Umino Iruka seemed to find that Naruto Uzumaki was gone and left the training ground in a hurry.
"Now everyone is lined up to receive the new learning method of Ninjutsu". The so-called learning method is that Wu Tian dominates the metal material to condense a bracelet with the symbol of konoha engraved on it.
If you want to make the mouth escape not simply give it to the students, the bracelet made by this dominant power has the energy to transform chakra into the mouth escape, and you can also constantly hint at these students through the bracelet to make them identify with the dominant power, so that these students can produce more dominant power.
Everyone has half the dominance of Wu Tian’s existing bracelet. With these dominance, Ueda can easily defeat Zhongren. With the increasing power of Ueda chakra, the strength of Ueda will eventually reach a terrible level.
Wu Tianmu is the dominant force to cultivate the young field and make it the most powerful person in the world. Will the young field still have no self-confidence? The answer is definitely yes.
After all the students were dismissed, Wu returned to his office, and it didn’t take long for a masked ninja to come. Not surprisingly, he was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen.
If Wu Tian changed the cultivation path of those children in Konoha Village in the future, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not come over for questioning, and Sarutobi Hiruzen would not be Sarutobi Hiruzen.
Sure enough, after the dark ninja appeared, he left "Huo Ying’s adult office is waiting for you to give an explanation" after a cold sentence.
"What’s wrong with three generations of old men?" Wu Tian asked after taking the door, playing dumb, and looked around with his eyes at the same time. After half a day, he didn’t find what he was looking for.
And three generations didn’t answer Wu day as if I didn’t hear Wu day talking, just looking at the file.
I didn’t find what I was looking for. It was just right. Wu Tian shouted "mouth-to-mouth plastic surgery"
A stream of water squirmed by the difference in appearance. After a few seconds, a purely hydraulic chair appeared. Wu Tian’s ass face Wu Tianyi sat down.
Three generations of Huo Ying Sarutobi Hiruzen still looked at the document as if turning a blind eye to it.
Wu day sit regardless of their Sarutobi Hiruzen, after all, this world is not necessarily the hokage world that Wu day ago, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is not necessarily the one who made a contract with himself. What does Sarutobi Hiruzen have a little temper?

"I said I said!"

As the saying goes, the older you get, the less timid you become.
Some people are more cautious, while others are more greedy and cherish their lives. Wu Xun is obviously the latter.
At this moment, Yang Laotou, the treasure-suppressing man, took his apprentice Yang into the camp and just saw the farce and grinned. "Yo, isn’t this Lao Wu?"
"Yang dog egg?"
The old man Wu Xun was startled first, then overjoyed. "Master Yang, you are here as a cop to save my life quickly."
"It’s hopeless to die."
Yang Lao, the treasure-suppressing man, sneered and immediately handed over with his apprentice, saying, "Your honor, fortunately, the old man brought something."
He and his disciples are both travel-stained and tired.
Wang Xuan eyes a bright hurriedly got up and handed "Yang Lao hard".
Yang Ze, a disciple, took out a leather scroll from the baggage in the previous step.
When Wang Xuan saw the booth, he painted something similar to a hole lamp, but the workmanship was more detailed, and there were three small characters on the right side of the symbol pattern.
After getting the jade fire essence in the oil lamp, remove the temptation. According to Guo Luquan, it’s better to get a lamp-shaped instrument to make the jade fire essence live in the house.
Wang Xuan wanted to invite Fu Cheng to study the pulse system, but Yang Laotou said that he had an old friend in Qin Zhou who collected a drawing of a military strategist’s pulse device "Heavy Light".
Weighing the hexagrams away from the fire is beautiful and correct.
"Heavy Lamp" is a heavy instrument in Wei Jun, which has different functions according to the wick. If jade fire is in the middle, it can break the illusion.
Wang Xuan’s memory of the terror illusion in Tsing Yi Pavilion is still new, and he immediately promised to spend a lot of money to buy it.
And Yang Laotou’s old friend, Qin Zhou, traveled day and night and didn’t come back until now.
"Yang Lao has worked hard all the way"
"Belonging to separate matters"
After a greeting, Yang Lao-tou handed over and said, "What happened to your Excellency?"
Wang Xuan roughly said that after a smile, "the officer saw that his technique is known as Yang Lao’s pulse, which is just to scare him. Yang Lao knows …"
"Don’t worry, Yang’s family is not with him."
Yang Lao-tou hurriedly waved his hand and smiled. "This youngest nickname is Lao Wu digging a hole in the grave and stealing chickens and dogs. There is not a word of truth in his mouth that should be beheaded by the Jianghu people."
As soon as Wu Xun heard it in the distance, he suddenly wailed, "Yang Goudan, you are too ungrateful, my Lord. I said everything is true. There are demon nests in the southwest mountains!"
What? !
Yet a public suddenly startled.
Yang Lao-tou narrowed his eyes and sank, "Tu Lao-wu made it clear that your trick is very clear to the old man. If there is half a sentence to hide, the old man will not let you go!"
Wu Xun bowed his head to please thoroughly this time. "Dare you dare to dare Wang Daren? Behind the Huairen County military government is the theft of the door. The old man has also been pulled into the service. Because of the heavy losses caused by the theft of bloody clothes, the military government has tried to collect money."
"Some people in Huairen County have stolen goods on the black market, and some people are looking for ancient tombs. The villain is responsible for controlling the search for spiritual materials in the mountains. Just the villain heard the master say that there was a wooden tribe in the southwest mountains of Yong’ an and ran to arrest it …"
Zhang Heng sneered, "Luo Huan’s son-of-a-bitch is really worthless. The military government was turned into a den of thieves by him, and even the people in Huairen suffered."
Wu Xun, an old man, smiled awkwardly and continued, "I found a wooden tribe in the villain mountain for half a month, but I also saw many strange things on the way."
"Have become a fine old zombie huff and puff corpse gas will cover less than half of the valley vaguely see a stone tower spire …"
"There are Yin soldiers crossing the border to kill the sky …"
"It’s even scarier. I also saw the fox sitting in the sedan chair of the black bear. This is the demon king’s wife. Where there is a demon king, there must be a demon nest!"

So far, I can’t see the dreamer. The official host of the Spring Festival Gala seems to be the only slot for fans. The most blunt slot was a few minutes ago, and the host V spoke too much nonsense.

Dreamer’s Spring Festival Gala was followed by a show called Shadow Play.
Is this a shadow play?
The lovely master is very unprofessional and the announcement is very unclear
The audience is a little confused.
Salute Su Xuan’s sister Xiao Qiao 233. Thank you for playing games with me.
Chapter four hundred and seventy-five Shadow Play Dance Beauty Sunset
There are really few people who know Huayin’s old tune at this time, but shadow play is familiar to the audience.
Shadow play is a folk art with a long history and wide spread in China. It was first born two thousand years ago in the Western Han Dynasty, also known as sheepskin play, commonly known as head play, shadow play donkey shadow play and so on.
I have to say that this is an extremely ingenious arrangement. After listening to the shocking Huayin old tune, I will arrange a shadow play.
The audience in front also knew that Huayin old tune was originally a unique singing style of a small minority in shadow play, and shadow play originated in Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province and then flourished in Hebei Province.
However, it is difficult for the audience to be a little disappointed, because even though many people think that shadow play is the "shadow ancestor", with the rapid development of the times, this art form has long been blown away by the rain and wind in many places, and it has quietly disappeared like a gorgeous fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
In other words, like many traditional cultures, it has developed ou with the times. It is as simple and simple as seeing who wants to watch shadow play.
Don’t be like this, pit owner. The dreamer’s Spring Festival Evening shocked the scene, but it crushed the V Spring Festival Evening dance. Weibo’s V dance was all spit out. The dream game can’t leak off the chain.
No, no, no, it’s absolutely impossible to unify the shadow play. If the pit owner can’t guess, he hasn’t played according to the routine.
The stage lights are dim, and the fans are a little nervous. Their hearts are pounding and their eyes are round.
When the stage lights come on again, the background is changed to a shadow play curtain.
Ah, no way.
It looks like a simple shadow play.
Just when the audience were puzzled and disappointed, the playful and cheerful music started.
after that
All the audience couldn’t help exclaiming, holding their faces in their hands again and again and screaming with little stars in their eyes.
"so cute"
Because of the stage
With the melodious and cheerful shadow play music with strong local customs in eastern Hebei, 24 people wearing red cotton-padded jackets and tiger fur hats are wearing them.
Segmented reading 26
Two kids with big horns and pigtails are beaming, carrying benches and skipping from both sides of the stage.
"Sure enough, it is not a shadow play."
"Haha, I told you that the mind of the pit owner can’t just guess."
Not a shadow play
Look at these cute kids performing. This is obviously a dance.
But what does dancing have to do with shadow play?
I don’t know if I don’t continue to stare, just look at it.
After a lovely dance, I saw the children put the bench on the curtain behind the stage and sit naughty with the rhythm of naughty music.
soon afterwards
Raise your index finger to the right of your face.
My day
Be turned over by this move
This is a wake-up call. Don’t go out if we want the shadow play?
Yes, please be quiet.
Okay, okay, we’ve covered our mouths, too.
Then in the melodious music, a row of shadow puppets leaned forward and leaned back into the curtain in the distance.
When the shadow puppetry people move, their moves are strange and neat, and they move their necks, arms, legs and sway in harmony.
In the vast curtain, this group of shadow puppets appear beautiful, simple and wonderful, giving people a feeling of being hazy, trance, truth and illusion.
This amazed the audience.
"Ah, ha, ha, ha. It’s really a shadow play together."
"What a unique dance"
"What kind of dance is this?"
Suddenly the lights on the dance floor are bright.

Zheng Xiu left as soon as he turned into a dragon.

The wind soul opened his hands and saw the girl who promised to take a bath with her Yuanyang. So she ran away with a wry smile and looked at her other disciple. "Yin Niang is not as good as us …"
Yin Niang bowed her head and said, "Master’s brother has gone to practice sword."
In this way, upon retreating from the imperial sword.
The wind soul dazed zheng.
Yin Niang had never treated him so coldly and lightly before.
He looked at Hui Hong, only to see that Hui Hong was angry and funny. "Eldest brother, you are such a man …"
The wind soul was just about to hear her say that finish, but she saw Hui Hong shaking her head and laughing. She just ignored him and flew away behind Yin Niang, leaving the wind soul alone wondering what happened to me?
Seeing that all the beautiful people have run away and left themselves alone, the wind and soul can come to the cliff in distress situation. Since we are talking, let’s sing poetry. He sang to the sky, "Roll the curtain and look at the moon and sigh single as a flower, centred from the clouds …"
Strange that this poem seems to be quite right. Who is it?
The wind soul carefully wanted to think.
Oh, it turned out to be the good man Li Taibai who once abducted a good woman and ran away with her …
Chapter 10 The night is long and the wind is falling.
The wild land is always covered with purple clouds. When washing the clouds, you can only see the sun and the moon shift, but the sun is shining through the clouds at ordinary times. However, because the wild land is a cloud, although there are clouds to cover the sun during the day, it is not dark. However, two days ago, when she took a bath, she gourd took Zi Xia to the washing pool to clean it. When the sun seemed to hang on everyone’s head, everyone was so hot that everyone complained.
In the evening, although the sunshine disappears, Zi Xia itself emits a faint fluorescent light, which is more beautiful than moonlight.
That evening, Peng Zun, Yuan Liang and others returned to the wild land with all the military forces and horses, and discussed with Zheng Lao, the wind soul, etc. They also won the bell and the red line, and then immediately integrated their forces to support the quarrying island.
At night, the wind soul drifted to the Xiaxia pool alone to see the sword light by the pool, and the wind swept away with a sigh.
The sword light disappears and the hidden mother’s tender voice gently rings "Who?"
The wind soul went out.
There are ripples on the surface of the pool. Zi Xia shines brilliantly, and then reflects it. The white dress of Yinniang also turns purple. When she sees the wind soul coming out, her face turns dark somehow. She sweeps it to the front of the wind soul and kneels quietly and says, "Master, haven’t you had a rest so late?"
Both manners and sounds can be critical … but it makes people feel alienated.
The wind soul shook and pulled her up. Holding her hand, she came to the pool and looked at the sparkling water. Yin Niang earned a little. When she saw Master holding her hands tightly, she didn’t earn any more.
"Yin Niang" asked Feng Soul, "What’s on your mind recently?"
Yin Niang whispered, "Brother, brother has nothing on his mind."
Dark sigh a wind soul heart.
The red line and the spirit coagulation always call themselves "disciples" before him, while Yin Niang calls herself "brother". Usually, I don’t think there is anything to think about. Yin Niang seems to be more formal and unfamiliar with him than her two senior sisters.
He thought, "Yin Niang is a wonderful reincarnation, but after all, she has her own life. After I knew her origin, I went to her and took her as an apprentice without thinking too much. But is it good or bad for her? She is a miss butler who has been sickly since childhood. She was loved by her parents since childhood, but she left her hometown without asking for her own advice. "
He asked, "Yin Niang, are you homesick? Do you want to go back and see your family? "
Yin Niang bowed her head and said, "I’m not homesick."
The wind soul saw her appearance and thought of Ling Ning’s words during the day, and her heart gradually turned white. He gave her a hand and touched her head and said, "Walk around with Master."
He walked slowly along the mountain road with Yin Niang, and the glow was dim and faint.
He said, "Master has something to tell you in a couple of days. Would you like to help Master?"
Yin Niang looked up in astonishment and her eyes lit up unconsciously.
The wind soul said, "The adult ceremony of two daughters of King Jinde of Sumen Pavilion is coming soon. Although there are still some days, his invitation card has been sent to me before the meeting, so that you, the second teacher elder sister, can pay my respects to King Jinde, Yan Hua Xian and Yu Yue and will be with you …"
What’s the important thing about Yin Niang? I didn’t expect it to be such a thing. My eyes couldn’t help but darken again. Although she doesn’t see much about the world, she is smart. She knows that what Master asked her to go with is mostly to let her have fun. Since several people go together to truly represent Master, she is naturally in the wilderness these days, and at the same time, she is the second martial sister of Xuantian Emperor Ji. It is experienced to arrange daily life, transportation and various etiquette. She and Bath Moon are just taking part in the fun. I’m afraid there is no difference between them.
The wind soul turned to see her and gave a wry smile.

"The remaining five methods, which are also the basis of the deity-sealing technique, are the deity-blessing method, the deity-protecting method, the deity-legalizing method and the shenhua method, which are used to patrol the deity’s Tao."

"God’s blessing method is to combine the treasure ship array method with the evil spirit through Shinto blessing, and form a shield like a country temple, which is better than the original treasure ship array method …"
"The divine method is a Shinto escape technique, and the sails need to be reformed, so the wind speed can be much faster than in the past …"
"God is legally specialized in cooperating with the military array, which can not only connect the treasure ships with the general array, but also rely on Shinto to believe that it is far away …"
"In Shenhua method, it is to use illusion to hide, although the hidden method is better, but it is easy to move together …"
Listening to the introduction of several generals by God phase liu, they all looked excited and couldn’t help but praise the merits of fallen immortal Liu Changan, even though he had ascended to the celestial world, he still left the secret method to future generations.
With Wang Xuanxing’s evil army tattoo method and this five methods of patrolling the gods, the future of patrolling the heavenly army is limitless.
Hearing people talking about the nine heads of Liu Changan phase liu God, their eyes became a little dim and silent, looking at the sky and no longer talking.
When Zhang Yan saw this, he quickly handed over his hand and said, "Dear God, you must already know that after three years, Xiandao, a great robber, is fine but lonely overseas. Once the demon invades us, it is better to go to China and take care of each other."
He also has an abacus in his heart. This phase liu God’s magical power is not weaker than the fairy. Besides, it is the most natural ally of Liu Changan Lingchong.
Who knows that phase liu God shook his head slightly after listening to it? "There are Terran Shinto shelters in China and other wild gods naturally collide with each other, even if they give up their homeland."
Wang Xuan’s eyes moved. "I wonder if God would like to move to the cave?"
Kanyuanshan cave
After the reincarnation of the sun and the moon, the cave has come back to life in a short time, and the vegetation is flourishing, and the fog is misty, and it shuttles through all kinds of wild animals.
A blood moon true gentleman is hidden in the middle of the eye in the dark of the towering canopy. The belt has been removed to show the remaining white eyes. In the dark, his eyes are shining with cold white light like the moon.
This is a kind of magical power that he witnessed Taiyin Xuan Nv’s patrol because of his own blood moon method, which can be seen in thousands of miles, even if thousands of waters are Qian Shan.
The fairy temple wants to expand and operate the cave, and he naturally becomes the best person to explore. It is extremely easy to find out the details of various wild gods along the way.
Now, however, he is like a stone, and he has not been disturbed even if he climbs over bugs next to him.
He has seen two thousand miles away.
There is also a fairy temple on the top of the mountain, which is more magnificent and somewhat similar to a military fortress
The difference is that this fairy temple didn’t even guard the large array and was handled by the overgrown weeds.
Halfway up the mountain in the Fairy Temple, several strong men with a height of 20 feet were drinking and having fun. Their skin colors were reddish and naked, showing their strong muscles. On the surface of the skin, some scales were faintly arranged in mysterious moiré patterns like tattoos.
After coming to the cave, Uncle Yang did not flatter himself, but gave all the information he knew about the race of wild animals.
This race, Blood Moon, has also heard that the clan of war is a born warrior, and all of them are brave and powerful.
The soldiers who can become heavenly soldiers are the best in the family, but now they are disheveled and drunk.
There was a loud noise, and even if it was thousands of miles away, you could hear the movement. The left side wall of the Fairy Hall collapsed, and a 50-foot-tall bear demon flew out.
Different from other mountain soldiers, the silver armor of this bear demon bear head mountain soldier is neat and obvious, and it was hit by someone and smashed into a small cliff.
Then the bear demon broke through the ground and roared at the Fang Xiandian and soared into the sky.
Blood moon looked secretly surprised.
He has seen the armor worn by Xiong Yao these days. It is obvious that the ordinary mountain soldiers are not true immortals, but they are full of evil spirits. Even he feels chills in his heart.
And the fairy temple collapsed and a figure slowly appeared at the breach. It turned out to be a handsome, saber-edged Terran, but he was playing around wearing armor and shirts and casually rolling his sleeves like a Jianghu ranger.
What seems to be aware of the Terran young man suddenly looked up, and the true gentleman of the blood moon also hurriedly withdrew his sight and quickly fled.
His heart is a little uneasy.
Is this Terran young man a true fairy or a soldier of the earth? Is it those heavenly soldiers who are in charge?
A little uneasy in the blood moon heart, he vaguely guessed that Wang Xuan had plans for those mountain soldiers, but these mountain soldiers were by no means ordinary soldiers and crabs!
He was careful all the way, and even went around the wild gods’ territory. He was relieved to see that the young soldier fairy didn’t make track for him and returned to the wild gods’ territory.
Now this place has changed a lot.
Several huge refining workshops have sprung up, and the hot divination furnace roared and purple smoke rose into the sky.
A giant mountain snake more than twenty feet long outside a refining workshop straightened its body and spat about.
This mountain snake is a fairy. Wei Chang, the ancestor of Wei family, is smiling all over his face. Be careful to appease the beast.
The pilots of Sima family are busy with the cooperation of Kungang giant to connect pieces of black copper meteorite armor, which turned out to be forging armor for mountain snakes.
"Be careful!"
As an old man in Sima’s house ordered Kungang giant to swing a sledgehammer at a raised copper nail and hit it hard.

After another hour, fortunately, the teacher didn’t want to delay the class. As soon as the bell rang, he immediately announced the class and left the classroom first.

Lin Jin and Chen Xinya also got together outside the classroom and planned to visit a PE teacher. They had already been to the PE teacher’s office when they put on makeup. This time, they were good at it.
The physical education teacher’s office is the kind of super-large one-room reform that causes more than a dozen desks to be separated in the office, and the physical education teacher’s desk is the deepest.
There are not many teachers left in the office. These teachers won’t even come to school unless there is something wrong with the class. On one occasion, Lin Jinwu had a class at four o’clock, and a group of students were at the door of the class for half an hour before the teacher hurried to class in a car.
"What’s the name of the PE teacher again?" Lin Jin stretched out his head and took a look at the office. He directly saw half the head of the physical education teacher sitting in the innermost part.
"It seems to be called …" Chen Xinya stared blankly with an embarrassed look on his face. "You can just call her Miss Lin."
"Well," Lin Jin wanted to let the PE teacher give him more than 20 years of experience in hooking up with men, so he looked a little red at this time
"Teacher Lin!" Chen Xinya took the lead and went in. Lin Jin poked around and followed Chen Xinya behind him, "We’re here to see you."
"Why are you looking at me?" Miss Lin stuck her head out from the partition of her desk. "I’m not in the hospital. What’s there to see?"
"I just came to thank you." Chen Xinya skipped to directly hug Miss Lin’s arm and said, "Thank you for your help with makeup at the next party ~"
"Oh?" Teacher Lin looked at Chen Xinya with a suspicious face. "Are you sure you didn’t provoke anything and then you want me to help you throw the pot?"
"And you, Lin Jin." Teacher Lin squinted at Lin Jin slightly. "Do you want women’s clothes again and want me to help you make up?"
Lie in the trough! How can it be seen through at a glance?
Lin Jin looked stupid.
"Lin Jin is just one of the women’s dresses in Taiwan." Chen Xinya sincerely said to Teacher Lin, "We really came to thank you."
"Then thank me for not even bringing a gift?"
"Yes," Chen Xinya stepped aside and joked before retiring Lin Jin. "I brought you a large toy hanger!"
"hey! You are poisonous! " Lin Jin broke away from Chen Xinya’s hand and glanced at it. It was dangerous. Teacher Lin immediately took two steps back and looked at her warily. "What do you want?"
"I didn’t prepare for the class." Miss Lin withdrew her eyes and stopped fighting with them. She packed up a hand of teaching materials and stuffed them into her briefcase. "You go to lunch quickly. I have to go back to dinner."
"Yeah, yeah" Chen Xinya turned away without hesitation.
Lin Jin took a deep breath and glanced at Chen Xinya, who had walked out of the office. He put his head together and asked Miss Lin.
"Teacher … do you know … how to seduce a man?"
Chapter 149 Take a day off for physical examination
I have to get up at six o’clock tomorrow to go to Fuzhou for a physical examination and take the bus in the past, trying to get the report after the early physical examination at noon, so I may not be able to touch my brain all day, and I will see if I can update another chapter. If not, I will take a day off.
Chapter 15 146 You just want me to be a clothes hanger, right?
"Teacher, do you know how to seduce a man?"
Asked this sentence, Lin Jin’s face is red, just like a monkey’s ass. He twisted uneasily and clenched his hands together.
Teacher Lin looked up at Lin Jin for a few seconds with a strange face. What the hell is that face?
A moment later, she seemed to have figured something out, and the dull look instantly became very happy. "Do you want to seduce a man? This will do! Teacher, I am an expert! "
"Expert?" Jin Lin blushed and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
Then, in my mind, I imagined that this beautiful teacher lingered in the bar every night and took a Han to the hotel near the bar every night to sing songs.
Lying in the trough seems terrible
"That is! Don’t look at the teacher, I’m out of shape now, and I don’t look very beautiful without much makeup. "Teacher Lin began to brag about his campus experience." You know, when I was a student, half the boys in my class had a crush on me! "
"So powerful?"
"Of course! Although I am a heartthrob, the teacher is still very single-minded. I found a boyfriend in the whole university, and now that boyfriend is already my husband. "Teacher Lin snorted righteously and immediately forgot to go home for dinner to show off his college life to Lin Jin.
"By the way, why are you seducing men?" The teacher suddenly remembered that the student in front of him was a boy, and although he had some younger sisters, he used to be a false mother.
Lin Jin had already thought of an excuse, and her face was flushed with frustration. "I played truth or dare with my roommates yesterday, and I lost. They said they wanted to see me wear women’s clothes and make a fool of the street people."
"Make a fool of yourself?" Miss Lin didn’t quite understand what Lin Jin said.
"Let me wear women’s clothes, and then let the street people be attracted to me, and then let them bump into the door, step on the pit and fall down." Lin Jin put her hands on the desktop and held them tightly for fear that the teacher would not believe his excuse.
"Do you boys also play this game?" Teacher Lin stayed for some time and then suddenly struck the table with his eyes bare and did all the work to ensure that "it’s okay!" Teacher, let me help you! I can definitely dress you up so that those men can’t keep their eyes open for a second! "
Lin Jin suddenly felt as if she were dead.
I must have aroused the interest of this bad taste teacher, right? Does this teacher study how to hook up with men every day, and now she wants him to do an experiment?
"Lin Jin?" Chen Xinya has some doubts and sticks out a head from the office door. "What did you say to the teacher?"
"I have something you should go home first." Lin Jin turned around and gave a hand. "Don’t wait for me."
Lin Jin looked at Chen Xinya’s figure disappearing from the door and turned to look at Miss Lin again.
If Lin Jin didn’t admit that he had been a man for ten years, he would definitely be better at attracting men’s attention than Miss Lin, a woman with more than 20 years’ experience as a woman, so he wouldn’t find this teacher and then fall into her plaything, okay?
"Teacher …" Lin Jin turned and found that Miss Lin was looking at him with eyes that seemed to peel him clean all over.
I was stunned by Miss Lin’s eyes, and Lin Jin swallowed her saliva, and her bewildered eyes looked everywhere.
"Well, if you don’t want to attract men’s attention, either you are particularly beautiful or you have something particularly attractive." Teacher Lin said that even Lin Jin, a man of twenty years, knows things.
"Yeah, yeah," Lin Jin agreed and nodded. "Then what?"
"It is said that even if you wear makeup, you are not very beautiful, at least not as beautiful as the United States, which can highlight some characteristics of your body."
Teacher Lin continued to look at Lin Jin. Because she is a physical education teacher, she wore a suit of sports, which can highlight her figure. * * * * * * See Lin Jin’s eyes keep straight.
She noticed that Lin Jin’s eyes stood unceremoniously on her chest and continued, "Big breasts are the most attractive thing for men to see, just like you now, but you are a man with no breasts at all."
Actually, I am a little bit
Lin Jin was a little dissatisfied and suddenly found out how she would mind the teacher saying that she was flat-chested. !
Just as Lin Jin realized that her thoughts were suddenly messy, Miss Lin continued
"But your ass is up!" The teacher slapped Lin Jin * * * * so scared that Lin Jin jumped aside like a frightened rabbit, but the teacher continued without any intention, "How about a black coat that wraps you up as a dance student?"
"Dance students?"
Lin Jin touched his being patted, and looked up and asked with some numbness and confusion.
"Yes, students who study dance are generally similar to leggings and tight-fitting elastic short sleeves, which can highlight their figure very much." Teacher Lin seems to have imagined that Lin Jin is wearing that tight-fitting dance to practice, hooking up with a man outside, and her mouth is slightly grinning, almost drooling.
"You can’t wear it like that, can you?" Lin Jin has also seen that kind of clothes. Teacher Lin said that some of his classmates practiced dancing in high school. Those dancers usually put on a dress outside, but most of them don’t wear a pair of pants.
Lying in the trough? You can’t let me wear that dress, can you?
"Why can’t you wear it out? Buy a thick point to keep warm. I dress well like me. "
Teacher Lin is wearing sports now. Although the color looks a little old-fashioned, it really highlights her figure.
Lin Jin can’t imagine what she will look like after wearing this kind of exercise … Is it true that her tight-fitting little brother won’t stick out?
"But … but I’m a man …" Lin Jin took two steps back and always felt that the teacher didn’t think about it, just wanted to flirt with him.
"It’s not like you haven’t worn women’s clothes anyway." The teacher shrugged. "I’ll go out and buy it for you if you like."
"But …" Lin Jin retorted with a frown. "What must be practiced in dancing? Can’t you wear tight jeans? "
"That’s right." Teacher Lin nodded to show that Lin Jin said it was reasonable and then shrugged. "But I want to see you dressed like that."
"I knew you were unreliable." Lin Jin sighed deeply. Before that, he was ruddy. Now, after chatting for a long time, his face flushed away gradually.

Goblin warrior’s life just returned!

Goblin warriors used to swallow dozens of pounds of stimulants, but now they are like taking the wrong medicine. When they fall to the ground, their red skin turns blue again.
Burst out several balls of light
A huge aura came out, and nearly half of it fell on Zhang Xiaoqiang, and a small part fell on the last blow. Hang Yushen, Angelnan and Zhao got a little scrap.
Reiki flooded into the body instantly.
A critical point has been broken.
Hang Yu felt that a force broke out from the outside, and all aspects of attributes rose.
It has been upgraded!
Hang Yu quickly checked the information.
Warrior level 2
Vitality 15
Spirit 12
Reiki /15
[Memory of the Great Sage] Exclusive innate skills With the wisdom of the Great Sage, the speed of practicing skills will be greatly increased.
Hang Yu received a lot of reiki all the way to hunt Goblin and killed the elite Goblin. Now she has finally successfully upgraded.
From the change of personal attributes, the maximum vitality increased by 5 points, and the maximum mental strength increased by 2 points.
And this is a visible dominant attribute. In fact, everyone has a hidden attribute.
Such as strength, agility, physique, spirit, will, consciousness, resistance and so on.
These attributes will increase as the level rises.
So Hangyu has become stronger in all aspects.
"Great God, great God, look!" Angelnan shouted with joy, "This monster has exploded a lot!"
Goblin broke out many things, but everyone held back and did not move.
They wait for Hang Yu to come and check it out.
Chapter 9 A bumper harvest
Goblin Warriors, Goblin Low-rank Warlocks and Goblin Low-rank Priests all burst out with five balls of light.
Four are gray and one is white.
The color of spiritual objects symbolizes rank gray, which is common, white, excellent, green, rare, blue, overlord, purple, king, silver, epic and gold, which means that mythical artifacts are not fixed.
Each stage has different stages.
Can directly reflect the brightness of the object.
for example
Gray objects have three states: dark gray, light gray and bright gray.
White objects have three states: dark white, light white and bright white.
The quality of the three states corresponding to the intermediate level is different even if the order is the same.
If the color of a piece of equipment is dark gray, it can be judged that the equipment is either old and incomplete or seriously worn, which leads to a significant decline in attributes or effects, and the quality of gray equipment is the worst.
Hang Yu was pleasantly surprised to find that five light balls were not dark gray, and one was bright white except one was light gray and two were bright gray.
Is lying in the trough so lucky?
The first time I killed the elite monster, I was still a bronze elite. Did it just come out in white?
Hang Yu quickly checked the information of five objects and was displayed in turn.
【 Goblin Priest Robe 】 Level 1 Gray Intermediate Physical Defense +1 Spirit +1 Durability (it takes four gray SPAR to bring it back to this world)
【 Goblin Sorcerer’s Staff 】 Level 1 Gray Intermediate Physical Attack +1 Spell Attack +1 Durability 1 (it takes four gray SPAR to bring it back to this world)
【 Excellent Goblin Boots 】 Level 1: Gray movement speed +1: Durability 1 (it takes a gray spar to bring it back to this world)
【 Excellent Goblin Mace 】 Level 1 Gray Physical Attack +3 Physical Fitness +1 (it takes a gray spar to bring it back to this world)
【 Goblin Warrior Call Scroll 】 Level 1 White quality consumes 1 point of spirit to summon a Goblin Warrior Call creature. The longest duration is 5 minutes, and the remaining times are 3/3 (it takes 3 white spar to bring it back to this world).
Hangyu is white equipment, but I didn’t expect it to be a pole prop
It is also a very good thing that the summoning scroll can summon the mighty Goblin warriors three times!